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Corporate Compliance
Corporate Compliance Policy – Acting in compliance with law and rules
Compliance with internal and external rules is at the core of the thinking and actions of all Viscom employees. We are committed to acting in accordance with the law and regulations and take the obligations that result very seriously. Viola Peine, our Compliance Officer, is available as your contact person on this topic.
I. Corporate Compliance Policy – a basis for all actions
Viscom wants to beat the competition with innovation, quality, reliability and fairness. But company-specific rules and the law must be observed and the Corporate Compliance Policy forms the basis for all actions. It describes the main aspects that are particularly important in daily business.
II. Principles
Viscom SE respects the law and expects the same from its employees and business partners. This Policy defines important aspects with particular relevance to daily business.
1. Fair competition
Viscom SE unreservedly believes in using fair means of competition and strictly complies with competition law in particular.
2. Business with integrity
Corruption will not be tolerated.
3. Sustainability
Viscom is aware of its responsibility to protect the environment as well as the health and safety of human beings.
4. Complying with foreign trade laws
All national and international foreign trade laws must be observed.
5. Equal opportunity in securities trading
Every employee must treat company-internal information that may relate to stock market prices in strictest confidentiality.
6. Proper documentation and accounting methods
An internal control system is being used to document business processes in an appropriate manner. The control system shall ensure that all accounting-related information is fully and correctly recorded.
7. Fair and respectful working conditions
Every person is expected to treat colleagues and third parties in a friendly, professional and respectful manner. Discrimination and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
8. Protecting our technological lead and respecting third-party property rights
Company secrets must not be leaked to third parties or even worse, the public. Thirdparty property rights must also be respected.
9. Separating company and private interests
All employees must separate their private interests from those of the company at all times. The personnel selection process and business with third parties must also be conducted in an impartial manner.
10. Cooperating with authorities
Viscom makes every effort to cooperate and maintain a good relationship with all relevant authorities. All submitted information must be complete, honest, correct, on time and understandable.
III. Implementation
1. The company provides its employees with access to all necessary sources of information as well as advice to avoid infringements of the law.
2. Every manager must organise his or her area of responsibility so as to ensure compliance with the rules of the Corporate Compliance Policy, company regulations and the law.
3. Viscom SE shall appoint a Compliance Officer who is responsible, amongst other things, for providing advice and training and who must communicate all breaches of compliance to the Executive Board.
4. All employees must report violations of the Corporate Compliance Policy without delay.
5. The Executive Board will regularly monitor compliance with the Corporate Compliance Policy.